- 分类:新闻资讯
- 作者:leyu
- 来源:乐鱼体育
- 发布时间:2024-08-26
电影《A Walk in the Woods》中,主人公比尔·布莱森说他去往山林是想“探索自然、寻找自己的根”。答案的线索,浮现在踏入森林的足迹里。
In the movie A Walk in the Woods , the protagonist says that he went to the mountains and forests to explore nature and find his own roots. . The clues are in the footprints of the forest.
Time flies, and Black Forest confirms the eternal aesthetics of nature. It is the origin of spatial design and the birthplace of brand concepts.
时间造物Time creation
——来自森林与温泉的馈赠Gifts from forests and hot springs
The beauty salon attempts to engrave the charm and beauty of nature on the growth rings of the Black Forest, exploring the story of time art and exploring the answers to beauty.
In the depths of the Black Forest, hot springs open the door to spring. Forest health, hot spring therapy, and this healing method purify and self repair the body.
The elevator is the first stop to enter the space, and this black is the black of the black forest and the true color of the soil.
The branches are squeezed together to form a forest corridor, exploring deeper along the path towards an immersive forest.
治愈磁场Healing Field
——身临其境唤起情感共鸣To evoke emotional resonance
Business innovation lies not only in products and services, but also in the construction of spatial carriers. Arousing emotional resonance among consumers.
The lobby is the concentrated release and expression of the power of the entire space.
At dawn or sunset, when a beam of light passes through a black forest, a bright path appears. Walking from the forest, delivering a romantic confession of light.
What is more healing than the black forest in summer? Listen to the sounds of animals, streams, wind, and footsteps.
I hope to see withered trees sprouting new shoots, footprints at the end of the path, and a glimmer of light in the dark mountains and forests The forest seems to have a magical envelopment that brings people into the embrace of nature.
The corridor connects various functional spaces.
The stone pillars stand tall in the ancient castle of BadenBaden, Germany, with intricate scene transitions and breathtaking views.
Read history from a book, and touch history from a material.
Designers use materials to create space, endow souls, and uncover a corner of the history of Baden Baden Hot Springs. The obsession with health and the relentless pursuit of beauty.
与环境共情Empathize with the environment
——积蓄身心“复原力”Accumulate resilience
Natural light gives life to space, as well as longing for space, establishing an invisible barrier for restoration.
▽冥想空间Meditation space
When the Tindall effect appears, light takes shape. Light divides the air into strips or patches, and sunlight is filtered into elliptical spots by hollow walls.
A strange illusion of meditation space, becoming a sanctuary for exploring the soul.
Immersive scene creation touches the sensory experience and promotes the achievement of beauty commercial goals. Let the brand continue to radiate vitality.
From the open realm of nature to the private realm of the soul, light and shadow become the best natural magicians, with materials and light running through, natural and advanced.
Natural light slowly pours in through the window, discovering the true essence of beauty and capturing the most natural beauty.
▽咨询房间Consultation Room
△23F平面图23F Plan
Project Name项目名称:BIRKENBACH. 科技护肤. 森境SPA(长白银河中心)
roject Area项目面积:2800㎡
Design Style设计风格:现代
Designing Institutions设计机构:上海树美千禾空间设计有限公司
Decoration Design软装设计:上海悠然如斯空间设计有限公司
Project Photography项目摄影:图派视觉
-乐鱼体育app- 分类:新闻资讯
- 作者:leyu
- 来源:乐鱼体育
- 发布时间:2024-08-26
摘要:时光流转,逐渐清晰的黑森林犹如图腾,印证自然的永恒美学,是空间设计的缘起,也是品牌概念的生发地。 电影《A Walk in the Woods》中,主人公比尔·布莱森说他去往山林是想“探索自然、寻找自己的根”。答案的线索,浮现在踏入森林的足迹里。 In the movie A Walk in the Woods , the protagonist says that he went to the mountains and forests to explore nature and find his own roots. . The clues are in the footprints of the forest. ▽楼梯Staircase 时光流转,逐渐清晰的黑森林犹如图腾,印证自然的永恒美学,是空间设计的缘起,也是品牌概念的生发地。 Time flies, and Black Forest confirms the eternal aesthetics of nature. It is the origin of spatial design and the birthplace of brand concepts. 时间造物Time creation ——来自森林与温泉的馈赠Gifts from forests and hot springs BIRKENBACH美容会所试图将德国百余年传承的自然之魅、自然之美,镌刻于黑森林的年轮之上,从此处开始,探索将生活打造为时间艺术的故事,在空间中探寻关于美的答案。 The beauty salon attempts to engrave the charm and beauty of nature on the growth rings of the Black Forest, exploring the story of time art and exploring the answers to beauty. 黑森林深处,“巴登·巴登”温泉打开了春天的大门,森林养生,温泉理疗,温泉与森林相生,无论哪种疗愈方式,都能抵达精神的净化仪式与身体的自我修整。 In the depths of the Black Forest, hot springs open the door to spring. Forest health, hot spring therapy, and this healing method purify and self repair the body. 电梯间是进入空间的第一站,这一处“黑”既是黑森林的“黑”,也是植物的能量来源——肥沃土壤在无光环境下的本色。 The elevator is the first stop to enter the space, and this black is the black of the black forest and the true color of the soil. 幽光下,粗壮的枝干挤挤挨挨,密不透风,形成一条森林走廊,释放的健康因子“芬多精”让每个毛孔充满新鲜能量,向光而行,沿着路径向更深处探索,走向沉浸式森林浴。 The branches are squeezed together to form a forest corridor, exploring deeper along the path towards an immersive forest. ▽电梯间Elevator 治愈磁场Healing Field ——身临其境唤起情感共鸣To evoke emotional resonance 设计师常宁说,“商业的创新,既在于产品和服务,也在于空间载体的搭建。以具象的场景为串联,每一次形成深度互动,唤起消费者的情感共鸣。” Business innovation lies not only in products and services, but also in the construction of spatial carriers. Arousing emotional resonance among consumers. ▽大堂Lobby 大堂是整个空间场所力的集中释放与表达。 光线透过特殊装置的变化形成空间的超级符号,一路延伸贯穿始终。 The lobby is the concentrated release and expression of the power of the entire space. 清晨或日落时分,当一束光穿过黑森林,出现一条光亮的“通路”。对于沐浴在日光之下的大堂,这条“通路”便是通往美和呈现美的通路,从森林走来,传递光的浪漫告白。 At dawn or sunset, when a beam of light passes through a black forest, a bright path appears. Walking from the forest, delivering a romantic confession of light. 还有什么比夏日的黑森林更治愈?聆听自然界动物的鸣叫、涓涓溪流水声、风吹过森林的声响以及步行踏过落叶的脚步声。 坐在林荫下的树干长凳上,或躺在草坪空地上,夜晚星空离得更近了。 What is more healing than the black forest in summer? Listen to the sounds of animals, streams, wind, and footsteps. 长大后的我们也许不再期待森林里有多少童年想象中的瑰宝,而更希望看到枯树长出新芽,小路尽头有人走过的脚印,黑夜的山林里有微光闪现......森林似乎有一种神奇的包裹性,把人纳入自然的怀抱。 心旷神怡的同时,还有一种无法形容的放松感,要“放大”自己的感受器官,沉浸于森林。 I hope to see withered trees sprouting new shoots, footprints at the end of the path, and a glimmer of light in the dark mountains and forests The forest seems to have a magical envelopment that brings people into the embrace of nature. ▽走廊Corridor 环廊空间的趣味性在于边界模糊,串连起各功能空间,是区域间的过渡与链接。 The corridor connects various functional spaces. 粗大的枝干迎着光向上挺立,德国巴登巴登的古堡中的石柱赫然伫立,虽粗粝斑驳但花纹依然清晰可见,高脚烛台上的蜡烛,白天投下斑驳的树影,夜晚带来盈盈的暖光,错综而出离的场景切换,观景,更是观心,穿行,亦是修行。 The stone pillars stand tall in the ancient castle of BadenBaden, Germany, with intricate scene transitions and breathtaking views. 从一本书中读历史,也从一种材料中触摸历史。 Read history from a book, and touch history from a material. 设计师有特权通过材料来创造空间,赋予灵魂,揭开起源地巴登巴登温泉历史的一角。奶白的空间底色呈现浸润泉水后的涤荡与澄清,斑驳石柱记录了那个时代的繁盛,穿越千年,见证的依然是对健康的执念,对美的不竭追寻。 Designers use materials to create space, endow souls, and uncover a corner of the history of Baden Baden Hot Springs. The obsession with health and the relentless pursuit of beauty. 与环境共情Empathize with the environment ——积蓄身心“复原力”Accumulate resilience 自然光给予空间生命,也给予了空间憧憬,建立起一道无形的修复屏障。 Natural light gives life to space, as well as longing for space, establishing an invisible barrier for restoration. ▽冥想空间Meditation space “当丁达尔效应出现的时候,光就有了形状”。光从孔洞的缝隙中穿过,薄雾四起,将空气分割成一条条或是一片片,阳光从窗外进来,经过层层叠叠的过滤,被镂空的墙筛成椭圆的光斑。 When the Tindall effect appears, light takes shape. Light divides the air into strips or patches, and sunlight is filtered into elliptical spots by hollow walls. 视觉与心性连接,一个奇异幻觉的冥想空间,成为探寻心灵的圣所。 A strange illusion of meditation space, becoming a sanctuary for exploring the soul. 沉浸式场景营造触动感官体验,促使美容修身商业目的的达成。从自由的艺术创想至严谨的商业目标,设计的创造力让品牌持续焕发生命力。 Immersive scene creation touches the sensory experience and promotes the achievement of beauty commercial goals. Let the brand continue to radiate vitality. ▽SPA房间SPAroom 由开放的自然之境,踏入私密的心灵之所,光影成为最佳的自然魔法师,专注于一刻一物,每件器物在被光洒下的那一刻就像加了柔光滤镜般的美,颜色材质与光线贯穿起来,实现了难得的完整性,自然而又高级。 From the open realm of nature to the private realm of the soul, light and shadow become the best natural magicians, with materials and light running through, natural and advanced. 晨光透影,自然光透过窗户慢慢洒进来,不急不缓,关于发现美的真谛,关于捕捉最自然的美,在此达成温柔的和解。 Natural light slowly pours in through the window, discovering the true essence of beauty and capturing the most natural beauty. ▽咨询房间Consultation Room △23F平面图23F Plan △24F平面图24FPlan Project Name项目名称:BIRKENBACH. 科技护肤. 森境SPA(长白银河中心) ProjectCategory项目类型:美业空间 roject Area项目面积:2800㎡ Design Style设计风格:现代 Designing Institutions设计机构:上海树美千禾空间设计有限公司 Designer设计师:常宁 Decoration Design软装设计:上海悠然如斯空间设计有限公司 Project Photography项目摄影:图派视觉 常宁 上海树美千禾空间设计事务所设计总监